Dear Member,
Following the 2022 Annual General Meeting, I am writing to you as your re-elected Chairman of Bournemouth West Conservative Association.
There have been some changes to the Officer team, all of whom will be working together to ensure that we are able to concentrate on the priorities for Association Members and the Conservative Party. Central to that will be our work with your Member of Parliament Conor Burns and our Conservative led Council. I should very much like to thank the team for agreeing to take up their positions and help me to lead the Association forward through what are likely to be challenging times as we approach the Local Elections next May.
We are planning a programme of social and political events for Members of the Association, as well as re-establishing activities across as many Wards as possible within Bournemouth West. If you would like to help with this in your area of the constituency, please let me know and you will be made very welcome.
In the meantime, I look forward to re-establishing the benefits of membership of the Association and to welcoming new members who join us in the year ahead. Please let me know if you think of any potential new members so that we can contact them.
We have a strong network of political activity led by our Conservative Councillors, and as we approach the Council elections and the next General Election, both Conor and I would welcome those who are interested to contact either of us about joining the team. Please take a look at our website to bring you completely up to date at:- bournemouthwestconservatives.com
All of us in the Officer team look forward to meeting as many Members of the Association as possible over the coming months.
Yours sincerely,
John Beesley
Bournemouth West Conservative Association